Northern Utah’s Best Tree Selection
We carry all the most successful trees for Northern Utah’s unique climate. These include: Large shade trees, ornamental flowering trees, unique and exotic ornamental trees, evergreens in all shapes and sizes, and a wide variety of fruit trees and berries. We carry a large variety of Utah proven trees that will be hardy for our unique climate and soil nutrient content. Your shopping experience at our nursery will be enhanced by our demonstration landscapes where you can see what the shrubs and trees will look like when they mature in our local climate. There are many things to consider when choosing your shrubs, our knowledgeable and friendly staff will take the time to walk around our grounds and help you find just the right selections for you.
Our nursery has hundreds of trees and shrubs. Our vast selection comes in a wide range of sizes and prices, making it easy for anyone to afford their dream landscaping plants. We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality trees and shrubs at affordable prices.
Living Design Landscaping in Utah
Come to our nursery to see our wide selection of shade trees, evergreens, and more. Our living design trees are perfect for landscaping your home or business as they provide plenty of shade and instantly boost the appeal of your property. Our tree sizes come in different containers including 5#, 10#, 15#, 20#, and 25#. We have Pines, Spruce, and Cedar trees that are a perfect addition to any landscape. We also have a large selection of flowering and shade trees including the following:
- Crabapples
- Flowering Cherries
- Flowering Pears
- Redbuds
- Maples
- Honeylocust
Our trees are available in large sizes, if we do not have the specimen size you desire, call us for special ordering. We update our tree and shrub selection throughout the summer, and availability and sizes will vary based on availability.
How to Select a Tree
Finding the right tree for Utah’s rapidly-changing weather climate is difficult; let our experts help you find the right tree to enhance your yard. Selecting the right tree is a process that you need to carefully plan as it can be an expensive investment in money and time.
Buying the wrong tree can be an eyesore to your home, and it can lead you with a mess to clean up in the fall if you hate Maple Tree Seeds that fly all over your yard. Before you buy a tree, call us to help you select the right tree for your yard. Here are some questions to consider before you buy a tree:
- What is the purpose of the tree? Are you adding a tree for shade, beautification, screening, privacy, windbreaks, or energy conservation?
- Is the tree appropriate for your area? Some trees will not flourish in different areas along the Wasatch Front. We work with trees that work well in our Utah climate. Your yard conditions can change based on shade, water, and the soil conditions. A sheltered yard may be capable of supporting plants that an open, sunny yard is incapable of handling. Fences will change which plants are capable of surviving in certain yards. While your neighbors might have some beautiful trees growing, your large wood fence can shade the same trees on your side, making it difficult for them to flourish. Soil conditions throughout Utah vary as some are sandy while others are extremely rocky or compacted.
- How large will the tree grow? When a tree is initial planted, it is hard to determine how large it will become. If you are planning to stay in your home for twenty years, imagine how large that tree will become. A tree that is too large will need to be removed as it can become dangerous if it is planted too closely to a home. On the flip side, small trees can fail to provide the shade and protection from the wind that you were hoping for. We can help you select the right tree based on your desire for the tree to grow to a particular size.
- How long will the tree live? Short-lived trees are designed to live for less than 20 years, as they are smaller and designed to be ornamental. The reason for planting trees with a short lifespan is to create a specific landscape design or planting a tree that is merely for shape and size appeal. Some fruit trees are meant to last short term as well. Smaller trees can be used to hold the landscape appeal while a large tree is planted in a similar area, and eventually grows large enough to overtake the area of the smaller tree. We can help you understand which trees are best for your yard based on their life expectancy.
- Do you want the tree to have a particular ornamental value? Leaf colors, flowers, or fruits are some of the common elements people consider when selecting a tree. It is important to consider the colors you want to have in your yard year round, or if trees with nuts or fruits will be to dirty for your yard. Pest control is another consideration as some trees are prone to certain pests that cause problems.
- Is the species over planted? Some species are too common in your neighborhood, which can lead to diseases.
- Is the tree evergreen or deciduous? An evergreen tree offers year round shade and protection from wind and noise. A deciduous tree provides shade in the summer, but it doesn’t offer shade protection in the winter.